Vitamin That You Should Take

June 29, 2010

"What vitamin should I take?"
This is a surprisingly common question and reflects just how confused people are about nutrition and how to make sense of the information so poorly presented in the general media. By understanding the principals of nutrition we can better hope to answer this question for ourselves and help others when they too ask, "What vitamin should I take?"
The short answer is, "all of them, in appropriate amounts."

A Vitamin is a category of organic molecule that is required by a living organism for normal health. Vitamins are often referred to as "micronutrients" because as a percentage they make up the smallest portion of the foods we eat in a healthy diet. If deprived of all sources of a particular vitamin you will eventually suffer from disease symptoms specific to the missing vitamin. Once such disease is called Scurvy and was once a leading cause of death among Europeans until 1747 when it was established that citrus fruits and even sauerkraut would prevent the disease and "cure it" in those who were already suffering from Scurvy. In spite of this discovery, it took nearly 100 years for the population to accept this relationship between diet and such a horrible disease. In the early 1900s the molecules were identified in these foods and eventually referred to as vitamins.

The naming convention of vitamins was a bit disorganized and some vitamins were later classified as other types of nutritional components. For example, the Nobel Prize winning research for the discovery of Vitamin C also refers to a necessary "Vitamin P" that is now known as the flavonoid family of molecules. This was done as the definition of vitamins was further refined and agreed upon.
As a category of nutrition, vitamins are essential for life; they are not stored in the body and cannot be created by the body. Vitamin A is converted from carotenes, after the ingestion of certain fruits and vegetables, but still cannot be created without those necessary "building blocks." Similarly, Vitamin D can be produced in the skin by someone who receives regular exposure to sunlight and is not wearing sun block. Remaining are Vitamins B, C, E, and K. Some other vitamins have been proposed but have not sufficiently studied to determine need and minimal levels.

When choosing a supplement, first understand that nutrition should be appropriate in amount, high in quality as well as complete. It is better to choose a high-quality multivitamin than an assortment of individual vitamin supplements. Also, vitamin supplements should be food-matrix and standardized. This ensures the vitamins are properly utilized in the body and that each and every supplement is providing the same amount of active ingredient as the last. Most of the top selling brands of vitamins are neither food-matrix, nor standardized, so do your own research and only supplement your good diet with a top-quality vitamin supplements.

Finally, remember that supplementation is intended to improve nutrition and ensure that you are receiving appropriate levels of micronutrients in your diet each day. Supplements are not intended to replace the need for a good diet, but instead to make up for the reality that we live in times when it is necessary to improve the diet through supplementation to ensure balanced nutrition.

When someone asks you "What vitamin should I take?" you should now know that it is important to take a balanced, high-quality multivitamin first. After you have established a baseline of nutritional supplementation, give yourself a few months and then research individual vitamins if your personal nutritional needs require a bit more of one vitamin over another. You can then add individual, high-quality vitamin supplements to your multivitamin use. Maybe people find that additional vitamin supplements are not necessary and that a high-quality multivitamin improves their energy and sense of well being without the need for additional doses of individual vitamins.

How to Preparing Lobster Tails

Your lobster tails might start off a fresh or frozen, being in New England, fresh lobster is easy to come by but frozen might be all you can get in some parts of the country and in the off season. If your lobster tails are frozen, you need to thaw them out (you can cook them frozen but they will not be as tender). Put them in the fridge for 10 hours or so or thaw them in the microwave on defrost – be very careful if you choose this method as you don’t want them to start cooking in the microwave.

After they are thawed, remove the meat from the shell by cutting open the back of the shell – split it down the middle and open it up to reveal the meat. Lift the meat out – you can leave the fan part of the tail on for show or not. Remove the vein.

Boiling Lobster Tails
Boil a pot of water large enough for all the tails to float in, add 1 tsp salt for each quart of water. Drop the tails in the boiling water and cook for about 1 minute per oz thawed (so 10 0z of tails needs to cook for 10 minutes). If you are cooking a lot of tails, add a minute or two on to the total time.

Cooking Lobster Tails in the Oven
Lobster tails can be baked or broiled in the oven. To cook thawed lobster in the oven,set the oven to 400 degrees F. Brush the tails with butter and bake for 8 to 10 minutes. If broiling, place the tails 4 or 5 inches from the heat and broil for 2 – 5 minutes. When broiling keep a very close eye on them so that they don’t burn on the tops.

Cooking Lobster Tails On The Grill
Oil the grill to keep the lobsters from sticking. Put the grill on medium heat. Brush the lobster tails with butter and place on the grill. Make sure that the tails do not burn – if there are any flames on the grill move the lobster away from it. Grill on each side for 4-5 minutes.
Take care not to overcook your lobster or it will be rubbery and tasteless. Lobster is cooked when it is no longer transparent.

Food Poisoning, What Do You Want To Know About Its.

What is Food Poisoning?
Food poisoning results when you eat food contaminated with bacteria or other pathogens such as parasites or viruses. Your symptoms may range from upset stomach to diarrhea, fever, vomiting, abdominal cramps and dehydration. Most such infections go undiagnosed and unreported.
But the Center for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that each year about 76 million people in the United States become ill from pathogens in food, and about 5,000 of them die.
Over 55% of such cases are caused by improper cooking and storage of foods, and 24% by poor hygiene, such as not washing your hands while preparing food. Only 3% of cases are from unsafe food sources. Keeping your hands clean while working with food is the single most important thing you can do to prevent food poisoning.

About 20 organisms can cause food poisoning. After you eat food contaminated with bacteria, they will multiply in your stomach and bowels. Some bacteria give off a toxin when they multiply. As a result, nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps and diarrhea occur. Vomiting and diarrhea are the body's way of eliminating the toxin, and most cases of food poisoning run their course without needing medical attention.
Not all invasive organisms cause vomiting as a symptom, but almost all of them cause diarrhea. Blood in your stool occurs in many types of food poisoning and is considered to be serious. Abdominal cramps are also common, and sometimes you will have a fever. Be sure to contact a physician if a fever or bloody stools are present.

Common Sources of Food Poisoning
Campylobacter is the leading cause of bacterial food poisoning in the USA. It causes several million cases a year, resulting in hundreds of deaths. Eating undercooked chicken or food that has been in contact with raw chicken most commonly causes campylobacter. The Center for Disease Control estimates that up to 70%-90% of chickens are infected with campylobacter.
To prevent the disease, cook chicken thoroughly, with no pink remaining. Wash your hands frequently when handling raw chicken. Use paper towels to dry your hands. If you are using a sponge or dish-cloth to clean the counters, use a fresh one after working with raw chicken. Wash your cutting board with a diluted bleach solution before using again. And any utensils or dishes having contact with raw chicken need to be washed and rinsed with soap and water before using again.

E. coli 0157: H7 infection causes an estimated 25,000 cases of food poisoning each year in the USA. Most of these result from undercooked, contaminated ground beef. The organism lives in the intestines of healthy cows. Meat can become contaminated during slaughter when intestinal fecal matter is mixed with beef that is ground into hamburger. Contaminated meat looks and smells normal, so it is not readily detectable. Bacteria on cow udders or milking machines can also contaminate raw milk.

To prevent this form of food poisoning, cook all ground beef until no pink is showing. Make sure all of the meat juices are clear, not pink or red, and that the inside of the meat is hot. If you are served an undercooked hamburger in a restaurant, send it back. Consume only pasteurized milk products, and drink only water treated with chlorine or other disinfectants.

Botulism is caused by clostridium botulinum, a spore-forming bacteria. This form of food poisoning is very rare, but can be life-threatening. It may result from eating improperly processed, low-acid foods such as green beans, mushrooms, spinach, olives and beef or fish. Improper home canning methods often account for botulism cases. Improperly processed commercial products can also cause this serious disorder.
To avoid botulism, don't even taste canned food that is soft, deteriorating, fermenting or doesn't smell right. It isn't worth a life-threatening illness. When in doubt, throw it out.
Infant botulism is more common in spring and summer, and is rare in winter. Infants younger than one year of age are at the highest risk. Symptoms include muscle weakness, a weak cry, difficulty in feeding, constipation, head lag, increased heart rate and a decreased gag reflex. A baby with botulism is described as a "floppy baby," as the infant will have weak muscles, especially in the arms, legs and neck.
Infant botulism has been associated with eating honey. The Center for Disease Control suggests that honey should not be given to infants under six months old, and the Honey Industry Council extends the safety limit to one year. Honey is not an essential food for infants, and should never be given to them.

(article by Karen Cole Peralta, image from

Summary of Food Poisoning
Most symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps and diarrhea are due to viral infections and are not true cases of food poisoning. An accurate diagnosis can be difficult because the pathogenic organisms are found in different kinds of food and have varying incubation periods. Also, eating a substance and getting sick immediately afterwards is not the typical course for food poisoning. Most people are not aware that food eaten several days previously can be the cause of food poisoning. Always be sure to consult a physician when experiencing severe gastrointestinal symptoms.

Green Tea Effects to Me

Tea began as a Chinese medicinal drink, and modern science proves just how green tea is good for you. In traditional Chinese medicine, tea helps to clear the eyes and head, resolve excess phlegm, promote urination, relieve toxins, aid the digestion, and quench thirst. As with so many foods and medicines, the traditional Chinese medicinal thoughts are being proven scientifically in modern times. Today, there is ample evidence that tea is good for you as a daily tonic in the interest of preventing or treating a wide range of maladies, including: cancer, hypertension (high blood pressure), high cholesterol, premature aging, food poisoning, dental decay and bad breath, and even arthritis.

So, how is tea good for you?

* Tea is rich in catechin polyphenols, particularly epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). EGCG is a powerful anti-oxidant: besides inhibiting the growth of cancer cells, it kills cancer cells without harming healthy tissue. It has also been effective in lowering LDL cholesterol levels, and inhibiting the abnormal formation of blood clots. The latter takes on added importance when you consider that thrombosis (the formation of abnormal blood clots) is the leading cause of heart attacks and stroke.

* Green tea may be good for your waistline. In November, 1999, the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition published the results of a study at the University of Geneva in Switzerland. Researchers found that men who were given a combination of caffeine and green tea extract burned more calories than those given only caffeine or a placebo.

Tea is good for your immune system:

* A Japanese report found that men who drank ten cups of green tea per day stayed cancer-free for three years longer than men who drank less than three cups a day (there are approximately 240 - 320 mg of polyphenols in three cups of green tea). Meanwhile, a study by Cleveland's Western Reserve University concluded that drinking four or more cups of green tea per day could help prevent rheumatoid arthritis, or reduce symptoms in individuals already suffering from the disease.

* Scientists at the Saitama Cancer Research Institute discovered that there were fewer recurrances of breast cancer, and the disease spread less quickly, in women with a history of drinking five cups or more of green tea daily.

Tea is good for your prevention and treatment of cancer:

* Scientists also discovered that EGCG from green tea can help to prevent metastasis, or the movement and spreading of cancer cells from one organ or tissue to the other by bloodstream or lymph. Cancer cells secrete special enzymes in order to enter and colonize tissues. Research shows that EGCG stops the secretion of these special enzymes.

* A case study that was done in China, reports that those women who drank green tea regularly had a 50% lower risk of developing esophageal cancer. Men showed less risk as well, but not as significant as women.

* Researchers from Sweden reported that green tea blocked the development of new blood vessels in the lungs. By blocking the development of new blood vessels in the lungs, tumors are less likely to grow and metastasize. Scientists believe that EGCG plays a significant rule in blocking the development of tumors. Similar results were achieved in breast cancer, colon cancer and melanoma studies. It is believed that drinking green tea for an extended period of time will help to prevent and might cure cancer naturally.

* The antioxidants found in tea--called catechins--may selectively inhibit the growth of cancer. In laboratory studies using animals, catechins scavenged oxidants before cell damage occurred, reduced the number and size of tumors, and inhibited the growth of cancer cells.National Cancer Institute researchers are investigating the therapeutic and preventive use of tea catechins against a variety of cancers.

* One Chinese study involving over 18,000 men found tea drinkers were about half as likely to develop stomach or esophageal cancer as men who drank little tea, even after adjusting for smoking and other health and diet factors.

* In the laboratory, studies have shown tea catechins act as powerful inhibitors of cancer growth in several ways: They scavenge oxidants before cell injuries occur, reduce the incidence and size of chemically induced tumors, and inhibit the growth of tumor cells. In studies of liver, skin and stomach cancer, chemically induced tumors were shown to decrease in size in mice that were fed green and black tea.

(article by Jake Mayer, image from

Tea is good for your teeth:

* Green tea is good for your teeth, the catechins prevent decay by killing the bacteria (Streptococcus mutans) that cause dental plaque. Green tea also contains fluoride. One cup of brewed green tea contains around 0.3-0.5 mg of fluoride. This is an optimal level of fluoride according to dentists. As we all know, fluoride builds in our teeth's enamel, making it more resistant against acidic environment, of our mouth. Green tea also eliminates other bacteria that responsible for bad breath. According to researchers, green tea polyphenols can inhibit, by 30%, the growth of bacteria that causes unpleasant breath.

* A study at the Beijing Dental Hospital found consuming 3 grams of tea a day, or about 2 cups, along with the application of a tea extract reduced the size and proliferation of leukoplakia, a precancerous oral plaque.

* Recent research suggests that green tea is good for your HDL cholesterol ( the Ògood oneÓ) and lowers triglyceride levels. Several tests have been done. And Green tea extract has been shown to be good for your cholesterol.

Tea is good for your blood pressure:

* At the the end of a 5 week experiment, one group with the regular diet showed blood pressure increases. For the catechin fed group, the blood pressure stayed normal. After this initial testing the scientists switched the diets for the two groups. This switch led to a reversal of the blood pressure trends. The study concluded that drinking moderate amounts of green tea each day can help to prevent high blood pressure.

The catechins in green tea have addiitonally been shown to help prevent excess cholesterol in the blood, killing the bacteria that causes food poisoning, lower blood sugar, additionally tea is good for your high blood pressure by supressing the production of angiotensn II. Catechin is also a strong anti-oxidant, which aids in aging related concerns.

Green and white tea leaves are less processed than oolong or black teas, which prevents oxidation and retains the highest levels of beneficial compounds. But all tea is good for you, so find the ones you like and drink them daily!

Buying a Used Car : Tips

There are many people out there who want to buy a used car. Why don't they just buy a new car? The answer is simple. Many people simply can't afford to buy a new car, so they must buy a used car. But before you go out to buy a used car, there are some things you should take into consideration.

First off, when you buy a new car you are the only owner of the car. This means you know where the car has been and you know it is in tip top condition. You also get a warranty on the car. But when you buy a used car, you have no idea where the car has been or what on earth has happened to it. The car could've been in a terrible accident for all you know. Also, when you buy a used car, you probably won't get a warranty... unless if you buy a used car at a reputable dealership

It is safer to buy a used car from a dealership, not from a newspaper ad. You also need to make sure you buy a used car from a reputable dealership. Some used car dealers are just plain sleezeballs. To be even safer, make sure when you buy a used car that the vehicle is Carfax certified. If the dealer won't provide you with this information, then there is probably a problem with the vehicle in question. Carfax is a free service that provides you information on a cars damage history, if any. You can check the Carfax report online for free, you just need the vehicles VIN number (vehicle identification number). Also, if you buy a used car "as is" you may be stuck with a lemon. Try to get a warranty on the vehicle you purchase as an added safety net.

(article by Jay Moncliff, image from

The next tip before you buy a used car is to get your credit checked. If you are going to finance the vehicle, you better hope you don't have any blemishes on your credit report. Used car dealers make more money when you finance a car. When you buy a used car, you want to be sure you get the best APR (annual percentage rate) available. If it is too high, then try getting your loan from a bank. They may provide you with a better rate so you may then buy a used car.

Hopefully, when you go to buy a used car you will have a pleasant experience. Not all used cars are bad and not all car dealers are sleezeballs. Alas, an awful lot of them are so be careful. With some street smarts and a little bit of patience, you can end up with an excellent used car that will last you many years.

Affiliate Internet Marketing Secret

June 28, 2010

If you are trying to sell a product or service on the Internet, then you are probably doing so through an affiliate program. You signed up as an affiliate (usually for free) and they gave you an affiliate ID (user name or number). They may have even given you a basic marketing package which includes text ads, banner ads, and solo ads with a link to your affiliate sales page. All you have to do is use these tools to get traffic to your affiliate sales page.

Well that sounds pretty easy, doesn't it? This process actually works too, except that your probability of converting your traffic into sales is very, very, very low. In other words, you may have to have thousands of people to visit your affiliate sales page before you ever see your first sell. Now those aren't very good odds, are they?

Unfortunately, that is what most people do. They spend a lot of time, effort, and money getting all of those people to that affiliate sales page and then they finally make a sale and earn a referral fee or commission. But wait, it can get even worse. Let's say that you made one sale and earned a $10 commission.That's great, right? Well not really, because in the terms and conditions of your affiliate program, you don't actually get paid until you have accumulated at least $20 of commissions. So get back to it and get another sale and finally get paid. Good grief!

Don't quit! Internet marketing is a great way to make extra money, but you have to know some of the secrets. Here's one. "Don't advertise your affiliate program directly." You must use a four step process.

(article by Dan Vought, image from

Four Step Process

1. First, you must provide something of value. The easiest valuable thing that you can give away is information. An informative email course, special report, or ebook are all great ways to give away free information.

2. This step goes along with the initial step above. Don't give away your free information until you get an email address. You must capture the name and email address of your prospective sale in order to be able to implement the next step.

3. If the information that you are providing is good and helps people, then you will earn some trust. If someone gives you some information that saves you time, money, or effort; then you are going to closely read anything that they send you - as long as the information is still valuable. This is why it is so important that you get that name and email address before you start giving away your information. Now you can keep the information flowing through an occasional email to your prospect.

4. Finally, if you have been providing valuable information and earning trust from people, it is much more likely that they will buy something that you recommend. This is especially true if you can convince them that what you are recommending will help them and that it is worth their money. The easiest way to do this is to recommend something that you have actually purchased and use yourself. Just tell them how it helped you and why you think that it was worth what you paid for it!


Did you know that those lush, colorful blooms called chrysanthemums are rooted in beliefs of human immortality and perfection? Today the "mum" graces gardens, cut flower arrangements and even salads (yes mums taste great), but they were taken much more seriously after T'ao Yuan Ming started it all in China around 500 A.D.

Over long periods of careful cross-pollination and selection, he developed stunning varieties of the flower and when he died, his birthplace was renamed Chuhsien. The City of Chrysanthemums. His efforts had produced a legacy that would bring pleasure to this world for centuries.

When China imported the first chrysanthemums to Japan, the people there bestowed many honors upon them. The Japanese wrote legends. To sip dew from the petals meant long life. To eat the flower meant immortality. Philosophers said that the systematic opening of the "ray" flowers symbolized both the sun and the perfection of orderly life.

By 800 A.D. the chrysanthemum had become so prestigious that only royal and noble families were permitted to cultivate it. Among the highest honors that could be bestowed in Japan was admittance to the Order of the Chrysanthemum... a reward granted to nobility for service to the Emperor.

(article by scott morris, image from

In great contrast to this, the "mum" didn't make much of an impression when traders introduced it to Europe in the 1600s. But when in finally did catch on, it became one of the most popular blooms for both flower shops and gardens.

Today the mum comes in dozens of varieties. Fuji mums project rays with curly ends. Spider mums have straight-ended rays. Starburst mums have forked ends, while spoon-ended mums have a loop at the end of their rays. China mums are called "standard" and "football" because of their large, round heads. Daisy-like mums are called pompons. And those forming tight little balls are called button pomps.

Whether associated with spoons, forks or footballs, or with royalty or immortality, "mum" is the word for beautiful gardens and long-lasting floral arrangements. When you care for them as cut flowers, try to keep their ancient beauty away from such modern-day contraptions as air conditioning, TV sets and heaters. Don't place them in drafts or direct sunlight. Do watch their water, and replace it when needed. This way, a bouquet of mums can make your day every day for at least a week, maybe two.

Budget Travellers, 20 Safety Tips

If you have planning for travelling, many things you must to do. The most important thing is how to keep save on travelling budget. You must set its up to protect problems when you are being traveller. Here 20 Safety Tips for Budget Travellers:

1) When taking taxis from an airport to your hotel, travel in the more expensive airport taxis and ensure that the drivers have official identification. Never take a taxi waiting outside the airport grounds.
I know this sounds extreme, but it is by far better to be safe then sorry.
2) When traveling from your hotel to the airport, go with a taxi recommended by the hotel.
Again, taxi’s can be very dangerous. I can’t express that enough.
3) Try not to arrive in a new city or town late at night.
This can just go wrong in a number of ways. It is much easier getting checked in during the day time and security at night in certain areas is just horrendous.
4) Travel in a group if possible.
Since when is traveling in numbers not a good idea?
5) Learn the basics in the local language before you arrive. Don't expect that people will speak English.
English is becoming more widely spoken these days, but you want to be sure. You should always check on these things before your arrival.
6) Keep your valuables hidden.
A money belt is great if it is an option that you willing to look into. There are many different styles of money belt. One of the most popular is an “over the shoulder” style wallet on a strap that you were underneath your top. This makes it very difficult for a thief to make off with your valuables.
7) Avoid going on your own to remote areas/ruins where tourist would be expected to go. Seek local advice or take a guide.
8) Read the guide books and talk with other tourists to find out which areas are best avoided.
9) When leaving discos late at night take a taxi home no matter how close your hostel is. Outside most discos you'll find a street vendor selling cigarettes. Usually these people know all the taxi drivers and can recommend a safe one.
10) When arriving in a new town, keep to your original plan and stay in the hostel that you have decided on. Don't let the taxi driver persuade you that your hostel is fully booked and that he knows a cheaper and better one. He'll be working on commission and the hostel probably won't be in a safe part of town.
11) Even better, when arriving lane/train in a new city, try to reserve your hotel in advance, preferably with a hotel that has an airport/station collection service.
12) Don't wear expensive looking jewelry.
13) On public transport have your day pack close to you at all times, preferably with the straps around your legs or padlocked to the luggage rack. On buses your backpack will normally go outside, either on top of the roof or in the external luggage compartments. On long distance buses ask for a receipt for your bags. On short rides just keep a careful eye out each time the bus stops to off-load bags. In the event of having your bags stolen, stay with the bus - you will probably require a declaration from the bus company accepting responsibility for the loss in order to claim any money from your insurance company.
14) Leave your valuables in your hotel safe when making day trips or longer tours. Obtain a receipt not just for your money belt/wallet etc. but for its contents, with each item listed.
15) If you have to leave your passport and credits cards together, place the credit card in a sealed envelope and sign your name across the flap. This way when you return you will know that nothing has been tampered with.
16) If planning on going to market areas, crowded streets, fiestas etc. don't go with all your valuables. Leave them in the hotel. If you’re planning on buying something expensive keep your money safely in a money belt. Try to be discreet when opening it! To protect small change in your pockets you can stuff a handkerchief in after.
17) If the pavements are really crowded, especially in market areas, walk in the road.
18) If you suspect someone is following you, stop and stare them in the eye until they go. If you really get a bad feeling about a place, go with your first instincts and leave. Bag slashing is rare nowadays but for added safety you can wear your day pack on your chest.
19) If it's on your back try to walk without stopping. If you need to stop, sway your pack gently from side to side so that you can feel if anyone is tampering with it.
20) When putting your bag down on the floor, to take a photo or just to sit in a café, remember to put your foot through the strap. Not only will it be impossible to snatch, you also won't forget it! This is the most common type of theft - tourists forgetting bags in cafes and on returning to ask if anyone has seen it, you've guessed it, it's gone.

You can practice these tips and you can keep and solve travelling budgets.

Teen Dating Tips

Are you a teen who is dating? Are you a pre teen who is thinking they would like to start dating? Or, are you a parent of one of these teens? Are you worried about what to expect, what to do and how to react to your date? One of the most important things to remember about teen dating is that it is just that, teen dating not a life long relationship type date. Now, before you teens get upset; think about how your teen dating experiences are going to play out. As a teen, you are not looking for someone to live your life with, right? You are looking for someone who is cool to be around, interesting to talk to even. Teen dating should be all about fun.

And you can make teen dating be fun as long as you remember a few things. First, lay down the rules about your dating relationship. If dating is meant to be fun, get all that hard stuff out of the way first. Teens need to talk about how you feel about drugs, alcohol, and even deep romances Teens need to make sure you are always smart about each one of these things and that your teen dating partner knows where you stand. Parents, make sure your teen knows about how to react in these situations too. Provide guidance to your teen, not lecturing.

Teen dating should be fun. Open communication can get you into a fun dating relationship. Being open about yourself, your ideas and your goals is a great way to find out if he is worth dating or not. And, for the boys out there, teen dating should not be harsh. Instead, lighten things up and just enjoy being with your date. You’ll find that your teen dating relationship is well worth it then!

article by Sandy Baker
image from

Love Personality, What is yours?

It is an obvious fact that we can learn and know what true love is. What we are often not aware of though, is that there are different love trends. Does it even matter if we understand love trends? If we are in a happy relationship, then that means it is all fine, right? Yes and No. Although, your love with your partner might run smoothly for a while, it can take a turn we often never expect. This is why knowing about love trends is helpful.

What may have turned you or your partner on at first, might not be a turn on later. How is this possible if they seemed so crazy over certain things before? The reason is quite simple and reasonable. When we first get involved with people, the attraction and lust is so strong (not that it would not be later), that the way one seduces the other is not truly focused on, but simply instantly appreciated, since they are so drawn to one another.

As the relationship proceeds and the bond builds, you will start getting in touch with your own style of loving and expecting your partner to match up to it. At times, this will be just the case. Couples can share the same love trend, but at other times, they can differ. If your trends do differ, do not look at it as negative, but as a way to combine them and form a creative love trend together. It should not be one way or the other. There is no such thing as the wrong way to love, except for obsession, controlling and abuse, of course-which is not love anyway, although some feel it is.

How do you even come about recognizing the love personality of yours or your partners? It is not difficult, but does require quite a bit amount of observation. Start by making notes of your romantic qualities and ideas of what great romance, and seduction is to you. Do you like walks on the beach and dining at cozy, romantic restaurants? Or do you like setting up your romance activities by setting up a scene and playing along with it, or just going with the flow? By knowing what trend you follow, you will then be introduced to your romantic identity and know what you need from your partner.

There are several types of love trends that you should know about. It will help you come to a deeper understanding of what type of lover you are and your partner as well. People, whose personalities follow the emotional trend, are lovers who pay attention more to the meaning behind things, instead of the thing itself. A man who does not really care for picnics on the beach may still love the event due to the intention behind it. He sees the effort his mate put into it and sees the love and caring meaning that his mate had when the idea was thought of and planned. Emotional lovers are sensitive and love sharing with their partners and are also very spiritual. They do not hold back from expressing their true feelings.

A Creative trend follower on the other hand, may have some of the same traits as an emotional lover, but focuses more on discovering new things and trying them out, taking risks for a bigger thrill. They love to plan and be a part of interesting activities with their lovers because they like going through adventures and new territories together. These types of lovers are found to be quite exciting because they seem to be more mysterious and full of surprises and imagination.

Then you have the traditional trend follower, who likes to follow the rules of what society considers the right way to handle a relationship. They believe in having one partner, following the dating and romance guides to the point (bringing a girl some flowers when picking her up at the door for a date, just to mention one). They also believe in being organized, being financially responsible and planning the events that will take place in their lives with their partners.

Those are the main trends that most people fall into following. This does not mean that a person who has a certain love trend cannot carry qualities from other trends, however. It just means they in general carry that love personality. There is no trend better than the other either. Each trend is unique and interesting in it’s own way. When two people follow the same trend, it is fabulous because they both know exactly what the other is fond of and what to expect as well. There are hardly mixed signals. Having different trends is also a wonderful thing. When a couple has their individual love personality, it opens the door for each one to learn new ways to love expressions and can create a great trend combination!

Considering and accepting our partner’s different trend of love is extremely important to do. If you do not, it will seems like you are just determined to have the romance in your relationship to go your way, by your trend. This will definitely cause unhappiness and have a very high possibility for your mate to back away from romance with you, because he or she will feel that there is lack of attention towards their needs and trends concerning romancing. So remember to be considerate and learn to adapt to their ways too.

It feels fabulous when our lover is being considerate of our trend, respecting it, following it with us often. You cannot be the one always being considered however. You will then become what is called a Constant Receiver. Constant Receivers are always on the look out for themselves. They never look beyond their trend and the needs that are involved with it. They always observe whether or not they are getting what they need and want from their lovers, and if they feel they could be getting more, they grab more. What about your partner? What are his or her needs? Have you even considered what their trend is about and how you can compromise and follow theirs sometimes? Never let these questions go unnoticed. If you find yourself being a constant receiver, it does not mean you are a bad person, but that you have been a little careless. When you realize this, stop yourself and look deep down. You will probably realize that you are aware of your over receiving, and have been so flattered by it that you got carried away. Once you have sorted this out, you can start returning the favor back to your partner.

Being a Constant Giver also has its down side. Yes, you would be always pleasing your partner, but what about you? Is having your trend considered not important? Of course it is! Do not be too furious with your mate if this happens. Just remember what you just learned about Constant Receivers. Your mate most likely did not ignore your trend needs on purpose, but just got carried away with being pampered. After all, you did you create this situation when you were over giving! So many people fall under this category of giving too much. This is because most people believe it is more important to please their lovers than having their own needs and wants fulfilled. Caring about pleasing your partner is good, but disowning your own romantic identity and needs, is not. Get back on track by getting your guilt in order first. Know that you should not feel guilty for wanting or needing something from your partner. You are entitled to having those needs fulfilled. You also should not look at giving as the good thing, while receiving is the bad thing. They are both good when equally exchanged. Start bringing your romantic trend and needs to your mate’s attention. You can do this by bringing up a good movie that is coming out and letting them know that you really want to see it. Re-teach them that they should give too, instead of always receiving from you.

Just highlight the fact that there are different love trends and that they are all unique and deserve to be followed and participated in. As a couple, you will not only please each other, but learn more about the other as well! As long as you do not forget this and understand the importance of an equal share between giving and receiving, your combination of love personalities will live in a content environment.

article by Alina Ruigrok
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How to Make Your Car More Fuel Efficient

June 25, 2010

With gas prices sky high most individuals who drive are interested in ways they can make their car more fuel efficient and save as much money as possible. While there are no fuel saving tips that will keep your car full of gas without filling up, there are some tips that really can help you save money on fuel over the long run. All of these tips focus on making your car more fuel efficient.

Fuel Efficiency Tip #1 Drive When You Crank Up
This might seem obvious, but as soon as you crank up your car you should drive off. However, many people crank up and leave the car idling for a while. Instead of this, when you crank up drive off and only keep your car running when it is absolutely necessary.

Fuel Efficiency Tip #2 Don’t Ride the Break
Many drivers hit the break more often than is necessary. Additionally there are quite a few drivers that slow down for a braking car when they could easily switch lanes. Not riding the break can increase your fuel efficiency by up to 30%, so this is a great tip you should follow.

Fuel Efficiency Tip #3 Turn Off Your Car
If you are going to be stopping for more than 10 minutes you should switch off your car to keep fuel efficiency at its peak and not burn more gas than is necessary.

Fuel Efficiency Tip #4 Don’t Turn Off Your Car
If you are only stopping for a brief moment or less than 5 minutes then don’t turn off your car because the amount of gas used to crank up is more than you would burn in that short period of time.

Fuel Efficiency Tip #5 Inflate Tires Properly
Too many drivers never think of their tires, unless one goes flat. However, having tires that are properly inflated can save fuel and make your car more fuel efficient, saving you money. Because of this, you should check your tire pressure on a regular basis.

While gas prices don’t seem like they will be dipping considerably in the next few months every tip to help you make your car more fuel efficient is helpful. So, follow the above fuel tips and you will see that over time your car really is more fuel efficient.

How to (Tips for) Article Writing

As most people know writing an article and posting it with links back to your site is an excellent way to direct traffic to your site. However, after reading hundreds of articles I have noticed some people need some tips on how to maximize readership and the rate of publication of their article.

Publishers publish articles for two reasons. For fresh content on their site and to generate revenues, often with ads placed on the page with your article. So, with a highly read article the publisher will be more likely to promote your article, which increases your exposure.
So when writing your articles try to make it short and simple. People are lazy by nature and the easier the article appears to read the more likely it will be read.

It's ok to have paragraphs of one sentence... even one word!

When people look at an article and contemplate reading it, if it looks like work, they'll pass. Having an easy to skim article, with lots of whitespace, makes the article look easier to digest.
Don’t worry too much on the writing style. It is your title and the appearance of an article that people use in determining whether or not to even read it. Once they start reading the article, then it's the content and your writing style that will suck them deeper in.
Another good guideline to follow when writing an article is to aim for the 600 word count. Less than 600 words is too low for many publishers, and not long enough to be considered a proper article.

An article that is too long will make the potential reader think it is too much work to read, and as a result not read it, despite how well it is written or the contents of the article.
The ideal length for an article to achieve maximum republication is between 600 and 800 words.
It is a good idea to write an article and then go back through looking for places to break up long paragraphs, simplify the language, and give the article a more personal feel.

Also, look for places where you can substitute contractions for two words to make the language less stilted. More conversational articles are also easier to read and understand.

Also read your article out loud to yourself several times. If you stumble anywhere, you probably need to rewrite that portion.
The same techniques can also be used when writing sales copy, but that is a topic for another article.

The objective of writing an article is to get published. Once published you want your article to be read. Publishers like popular articles. If you follow these simple tips on how to write an article you will increase your chances of both. With a popular article with your name and url attached to it you will be well on your way to expert internet marketer status.

article by Chris Stirling
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How to Building Links for Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

June 23, 2010

In the past all you had to do to get good rankings in Google and the other search engines was to trade links with several other web sites using your key words in the link text. Although this still holds true today, I have reason to believe sites are being penalized for not using a directory style link structure with no more than 25 links per page. Having a directory style links system on your site will make it more of a resource to your visitors and not just a bunch of un-organized links all lumped together on a single page.

There are of coarse other ways to attract incoming links to your web site without providing a link back or what’s called a reciprocal link.

1. There are thousands of forums out there that will allow your links in a short signature file at the end of each post. Join forums that are related to your subject matter and take part in the discussions. Make sure you use your key words in you signature file link and not just your URL.

2. Submit your site to as many directories as you can. There are thousands of directories out there that will post your website into their directory for free and also some that charge a small one time fee. Again your title or link text is key. Make sure you are using your key words in your link text or title.

3. Writing and submitting articles like this one with a small resource box at the end is also a good way to attract one way links back to your site. When you submit your articles to the many article directory portals you are getting links from the portal site, plus people will search for and use the articles from the portal site on their own sites. If you write just 1 good article and submit it to 10-20 portal sites you could end up with 100’s of back links over a very short time.

4. Writing and submitting press releases work almost the same way an article works. You write the press release and submit it to PR sites. The PR site will submit it to the major search engine for a small fee and your press release could end up on Google and Yahoo news search the next day. People are also looking for free news feeds to syndicate on their web sites and blogs. If you write a good news piece it could end up on 100’s of blogs and other news sites around the web. Again make sure your web site link is in the news piece some were.

5. Free classifieds may not provide you with much traffic but you can create hundreds of back links to your web site with a little time and effort.

6. There are also web sites that will place your link on their front page as a sponsored link for a small fee. For this to work thou you need to make sure your links are up for more than a month or two. If the search engine picks up your link one month but its gone the next it won’t do much good.

article by Tom Worsley
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How to Teaching Reading to Your Child

June 22, 2010

One of the most effective teaching methods for children is to use materials that the child has a natural interest in. Teaching reading to your child is no exception. Our kids (as I’m sure most kids) have a natural interest in animals. Right from the beginning we had great success using their natural curiosity and affection for animals to teach the basic formations and sounds that are associated with the letters and pictures. This naturally progressed into using the same to aid in teaching reading to them as well.

There are several children’s magazines available for you that are dedicated to the animal child connection. As our kids got a bit older we even subscribed to a couple of the magazines for them. You talk about generating an interest! Just wait till the kids realize that every so often the mailman brings them a present. They couldn’t wait and it certainly helped us with teaching reading to both of the kids. If your kids, are struggling to read or maybe struggling to get interested in reading, use a tool that they are naturally interested in. For us, the animal stories and magazines were a great way for us to get started teaching reading.

Find a magazine that seems to fit the age level of your child. For younger children, I recommend one that has big bright colorful pictures with interesting facts. One of our favorite children’s magazines is Zoobooks. Some even have interactive puzzles and games the child can play and learn. A simple search on the internet of “children + animals + magazine” will turn up many choices for you.

Teaching reading to your child is 100 times easier when you employ the use of a subject that children naturally want to know more about. In fact, one thing that we discovered was that once the one of the magazines had been used and was no longer current, they made great tools for the kids to cut some of the pictures out and make bulletin boards, calendars, and it made a great start in getting to the next level of reading by learning to make up their own stories and adventures using the pictures they cut out and the information from the magazines!

Whatever you choice of tools you are considering using to teach reading to your child, I highly recommend the use of some good children’s magazines.

article by Mary Joyce
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Online Education and Online Degrees

Some Universities and Colleges have opened a whole new line of education for today's busy people and for people in smaller cities and towns. You no longer have to sit in a classroom for 8 hours a day in-order to study for a Diploma, Bachelor's Degree, Master's Degree or Doctoral Degrees such as PhD's.

There are many Colleges and Universities in the UK and elsewhere that are now offering online courses. Of course if you're interested in the more traditional distance education courses and programs, there are some well established institutions where you can enrol. These online and distance education courses allow you to complete your degree or diploma course at your own pace. So before you take study leave from work or change your career just because your local college doesn't offer what you're looking for, find out if there are some accredited courses being offered online or through distant learning. You'll be surprised.

To reach the very top of any profession, you need to gain the right qualifications, and with a good degree course or diploma you'll be giving yourself the perfect start in your professional life. You'll learn in your own time, at your own pace and from the comfort of your own home - so whatever your circumstances, you'll have a much better chance of succeeding!

The great thing about online education is that with most colleges and universities, you can enrol at any time of the year. The courses are structured in small, manageable units, so you'll find learning very easy and enjoyable.

A growing number of physical universities as well as newer online only colleges have begun to offer a select set of academic degree programs via the internet. These programs range from Diplomas and Certificates to Doctoral programs with available emphasis in everything from Business Administration to Criminal Justice to Nursing. While some programs require students to attend some campus classes or summer classes, many are completely online. In addition, several universities offer online student support services, such as online advising, student governments and student newspapers.

article by Bridget Mwape
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The Effects of Colour and Cosmetics; What are its ingredients?

June 20, 2010

Many people avoid artificial colours in their foods, but don't check out the colours in cosmetics and personal care products. It is only in recent years that cosmetics have started to carry a full list of ingredients on their packaging.

Making sense of the ingredients can be difficult for the lay person. This is particularly true for colourings, which often go under the guise of numbers rather than names.

In many countries colours in cosmetics are listed as colour index numbers. C.I. numbers are allocated by the Society of Dyers and Colourists. The scheme covers colours used in food, personal care products, cosmetics, household products and fabric dyeing. So, for example you will not normally see ‘tartrazine’ listed in your lipstick ingredients, but it may be there listed as C.I. 19140. Erythrosine will be listed as C.I. 45430, and so on.

The USA uses a different system: the FD & C colors have been categorised by the American Food & Drink Administration for use in foods, drugs and cosmetics. So in this system tartrazine is FD & C yellow 5, and amaranth is FD & C red 2.

The ‘E Number’ system is used by the European Community (EC). This is a system of giving code numbers to food additives, some of which are also used in cosmetics and personal care products. This system is also used in some other countries but without the E prefix, so E102 becomes simply colour ‘102’.

All this confusion for the average consumer would not be important, but for the fact that some of these colours are known to cause problems in susceptible individuals. For example, tartrazine (also known as FD & C Yellow 5, CI 1914 and EI02) can cause migraines, itching, rhinitis and agitation in susceptible individuals. Many individuals avoid its use in food, but do not realise how extensively it is used in cosmetics, such as lipstick, and personal care products.

The big worries in terms of colours in cosmetics and personal care products are lipstick, coloured lip balms, lip gloss and lip pencils, because anyone who uses these regularly ‘eats’ a fair quantity over their life time, but these colours also appear in skin cream, foundation, mascara and so on too. (Remember also that these colours can also be in 'natural' cosmetics and skin care products.)

Another worry is that even the 'experts' cannot agree on an international 'safe' list of colours, so that a colour may be allowed in one country, but banned elsewhere. For example, quinoline yellow is allowed within the European Community and in some other countries, but is banned in Japan, Norway and the United States.

As ever, the advice is: keep yourself informed and read the label. Here is a list of the different names and numbers that common colourings go under:

Tartrazine: E102 or FD & C Yellow 5 or C.I. 19140
Quinoline yellow or E104 or C.I. 47005
Sunset yellow or E110 or FD & C Yellow 6 or C.I. 15985
Amaranth or E123 or FD & C Red 2 or C.I. 16185
Ponceau 4R or E124 or C.I. 16255
Erythrosine or E127 or FD & C Red 3 or C.I. 45430
Red 2G or E128 or C.I. 18050
Allura red AC or E129 or FD & C Red 40 or C.I. 16035
Patent blue V or E131 or C.I. 42051
Indigo carmine or E132 or FD & C Blue 2 or C.I. 73015
Brilliant blue FCF or FD & C Blue 1 or C.I. 42090
Fast green FCF or FD & C Green 3 or C.I. 42053
Green S or E142 or C.I. 44090

article by Jane Thurnell-Read
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Which Color Is Right For Your Hair?

June 19, 2010

Hair color correction is a big money maker in salons nationwide. The reason: over-the-counter hair coloring products have given consumers the impression that hair color is easy and extremely affordable. One look at a professionally-colored model on a commercial or glossy magazine page, and many people clamor to the closest drug store to purchase a $5 box of color with the hopes of receiving a $50 salon look.

The results are often disastrous, and it can take hundreds of dollars to correct a hair color problem that could have been prevented with just a tiny bit of knowledge and planning.

The most common problem seen with hair coloring at home and in salons is choosing a hair color that is too light for the natural shade of hair. Realistically, color can only lighten hair beautifully by a few shades. If you go any lighter than a few shades, you need to choose a high-lift product such as bleach or a professional highlighting system. Failure to do this often results in hair color that is much too brassy or even orange.

Word to the wise: high-lift hair coloring should only be performed by professionals. The controlled chemicals used in the process, if used incorrectly, can result in irreparable damage and/or chemical burns on the scalp and skin.

Another hair color mistake that is seen quite often is choosing a color that is too dark. Extremely dark hair color can be the most challenging to correct because dark color can actually stain the cortex (inner layer) of the hair, making it almost impossible to lighten. Again, avoid choosing hair colors that are more than a few shades darker than your own to prevent a costly cortex stain.

When it comes to choosing the right shade of hair color to use, pick tones and shades that flatter your skin tone. Choose warm shade of hair color (reds and warm browns) if you look best in warm-colored clothing such as reds, pinks and oranges. Choose a cool shade (beige, pale blonde highlights and neutral colors) if you look best in blues and greens.

As you can see, just a little bid of planning and knowledge can save you from costly hair coloring disasters. And by making an informed decision before you purchase hair color, you will not only save money, you will also save your hair from needless damage.

Hair color is a chemical, and every time you chemically process your hair, you damage it to some extent. The damage can be minimal, as is usually the case with high-end professional hair coloring systems, or can be extreme. And each time you use hair color to correct a problem, you are damaging your hair even more.

Here are just a few tell-tale signs that your hair has been over processed with hair color and other chemicals.

" The hair is limp and dull, and no amount of styling can bring back its luster and bounce.
" The hair color has faded dramatically, and you are left with brassy and banded hair color. (Banded hair color is evident by the sudden change of hair color along the hair shaft. For example: the hair may be dark until about 2" from the scalp where it turns a brassy orange.)
" The hair is extremely dry and brittle. When it is wet, it is almost impossible to comb it without causing breakage.

You can avoid damage to your hair caused by hair coloring by taking the same precautions recommended for choosing the right hair color. Choosing the right hair color reduces the amount of color applications, therefore, reducing the chances of your hair becoming over processed.

article by Michael Barrows
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How to Care Your Leather Jacket

Prevention is Your Best Option
When you first bring your leather jacket home, you want to condition and waterproof it. After that, proper care will keep it looking fabulous for years. In fact, did you know that with proper care, leather out wears denim 20 to 1? I've heard stories where a good quality, well maintained leather jacket can last as long as 50 years!
Find out everything you can about your leather jacket, get the right stuff and set aside time for mandatory cleaning. If you don't do it yourself, then pay a pro to clean your leather jacket for you. You can thank me later for that tip!

Leather Jacket Repair
How can you repair the sleeves on your leather jacket when the edges are cracking, without making the leather weak or super soft?
If you have any loose edges, you can actually tack them up with a small dab of rubber cement which is sold at most grocery or retail stores. If the edges are not torn but just starting to look rough, one of the best options is for you to use a combination of mink oil and beeswax.

Typically this concoction is sold as paste, making it easy to apply. While it helps to improve those rough spots, it does soften but not too much. This combination will also help preserve the leather and prevent stains.

Leather Jacket Maintainence and Restoration
One of the top products you can buy for your leather jacket is called Lexol. This brand is excellent for restoring worn leather, bringing it back to its natural state. Another professional cleaner/conditioner is called Fiebing's All Purpose Leather Cleaner and Conditioner. It too helps restore leather that is worn while also helping to prevent water spots, stains, and even cracking.
Another great product that does it all, conditions, waterproofs, preserves, softens, and restores leather is called Snow-Proof. This product has no color or odor and is excellent on leather jackets as well as boots and shoes. Best of all, it will not leave a greasy feel.

Carnauba Cream will also help to restore and smooth out your leather jacket. It helps to resist scratches and finger prints and does a great job of restoration. One other product you should investigate is called Leather Balm with Atom Wax. This particular product was formulated specifically for leather to help with preserving and restoring. It also helps produce a nice soft, natural finish.

I suggest doing some research on these products before settling on one. Type the product name into a search engine and read up on their different properties. Prices and results will vary depending on the application.

article by Darwin Corby
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How to Begin Wine Collecting

June 18, 2010

Some people collect wine for money…and some people collect wine because they have a passion for wine. Irregardless of whether you’re collecting wine for profit or for pleasure, collecting wine requires some investment. Enjoying wine is a completely different thing from collecting wine, bear this in mind.

When it comes to collecting wine, one of the most important thing to consider is where you’re going to keep the wine. A substantial portion of your investment towards your wine collection hobby is in ensuring that there’s a suitable place to store your wine. The motive is to ensure that the wine collection will increase in value, not decrease. Believe it or not, the storage and the way the wine is kept make a world of difference.

Wine that is kept, collected and protected in suitable condition will age nicely and will turn into vintage wines. However, if your wine collection is not properly cared for, well, you’ll know. The quality of the wine collection will deteriorate and a wine expert will be able to tell that your wine has been ill-treated.

First of all, do extensive research on the many different types of wines there are in the market. Some wines are meant to be kept and stored over a long period of time, some are not. Books on wine collection should be bought and if you’re at all serious about wine collection, spend some time reading through them and understand the different types of wines and the way that they should be kept. If keeping and reading books on wine is not your ‘glass of wine’, you can do your research on the internet. Either way, there’s a wealth of information on wine that you can find. Explore, absorb and remember.

Once you understand the way each type of wine should be kept, it’s time for you to design and construct the place where your wine is to be kept. This depends on the kind of wine you intend to keep there, of course.

And after you’ve built your wine ‘cellar’ (bear in mind, sometimes, wine cellars are not necessarily built in cellars), you should start purchasing wine; wine that you like. One basic thing to remember is that wine is differentiated with the provenance of the vintage. The better the storage, the better the quality. The better the quality, the higher the price. Before you buy wine, ask the seller for an authentic certificate. This may sound so trivial but it’s important if you want to know and be sure that you’re purchasing high quality wine. This is especially important if you’re making a bulk purchase of the wine.

In collecting wine, you would want to strive for a balance between New Age wine from Australia and Chile and with Old World Wine from Europe. Bear in mind that ready-to-drink wine is not suitable for long-term safekeeping. Dessert wine is also best opened and consumed within a short period of time. Know the difference before you start collecting wine.

article by Dakota Caudilla
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Tips to Surviving a Long Distance Relationship

Challenging and difficult, though they may not be what we want to hear, are the words that best describe long distance relationships. Keep in mind however, that the words are challenging and difficult, not impossible. Many people choose to give a long distance relationship a try, with the constant curiosity if it was the right decision to make and if it even stands a chance. The truth is, a long distance relationship has just as much a chance of succeeding as any other relationship!

Long Distance Relationships share the same facts as an average relationship. It involves two people who share an interest in each other’s lives, care for one another and of course have a love for each other that they hope will only continue to grow. On the other hand, a long distance relationship does have its differences as well. It takes away your ability to see each other on a frequent note, as well as the choice of being intimate whenever you desire, not to mention that there would be major trust required. Being unable to spend time together in a physical presence makes it harder to hang on to, but does not spell out doom for your relationship.

The first step is to make an agreement of what your expectations are in the relationship and how much of a commitment you are willing to give and receive. If the two of you decide to be monogamous, then it is clear that neither of you will be dating anyone else as long as your romantic relationship exists. Being clear about what you both want is extremely important, especially in a long distance relationship, in order to prevent future misunderstandings and mistakes. Do not feel afraid to tell your partner what you really need and want from him or her, you deserve the chance to speak from your heart and he or she deserves to know the truth and judge whether they can give it to you.

Trust is a major necessity if you wish to have your relationship from a distance. Without trust and honesty, the relationship is in for danger and unsuccessfulness, just as it would be any other relationship. By accepting the challenge of a long distance relationship, you also accepted the fact that you will have to have the trust and faith that your partner will not be seeing anyone else as promised. Being paranoid and accusing will only grow doubts, insecurity and tension between you and none of those three will help the relationship survive successfully.

Keeping each other informed of the friendships you have with other people and the events that take place in your personal life is a great way to keep your relationship alive and healthy; and continues to make your partner a part of your life. It is essential that you receive the same information from your partner as well, so you both feel the same security and satisfaction that you both crave. Be creative with the way you keep in touch, such as calling, e-mailing, faxing and sending cards. Pay attention to how many times a week you are staying in touch as well. If you want your bond to stay strong and loving, you have to hear from one another often, leaving as little room for any of you to start getting paranoid about anything.

Although you cannot be romantic towards each other on a physical note, you can still perform romantic acts that will keep the romance department happy. You can do this by sending love letters and poems, having flowers and gifts delivered, or even sending a video of yourself with a loving message. Reminding your partner of how much you think about and love him or her will score high points, making them miss you more with the constant urge to see you.

Planning reunions play a big part in keeping your relationship exciting, plus serve you the satisfaction of being able to see and touch each other occasionally. It gives you the opportunity to catch up on each other’s life in person and to be able to share physical and intimate activities together, which will fulfill both of your needs and desires. Not re-uniting every once in a while will only damage the relationship you have, so if one of you are not willing to visit the other occasionally, then you may need to question the interest and care your partner has for you and should probably end the relationship and move on. If you and your partner truly want this to work out, then you will both continue to be eager to see each other as often as you can and every time to have the chance to.

Setting a limit of how long you will be apart is a wise thing to do if you do not want to end up waiting forever. There will be a day when you and your partner will have to start planning a serious future, which can only happen when you are living in the same area or perhaps even living together, whichever makes you most comfortable. If none of you are willing to agree on a place to settle and start having a relationship where you see each other on a regular basis, then you can pretty much forget about accomplishing anything out of your long distance relationship. If your partner truly loves you and wants to be with you, then they would not want to wait forever to be with you.

With the right amount of effort and interest on both parts, a long distance relationship can survive the obstacles it will frequently be challenged with. As long as you both refresh your memories of why you chose to do this in the first place, trust each other, inform one another of your personal lives, keep in touch, and visit, your relationship can turn out to be one of the most successful and happy relationships that ever existed. You both will be secure, happy and satisfied until the day comes when you will re-unite for good and build your wonderful future together.

article by Alina Ruigrok
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Types of Dating

June 17, 2010

Dating can be classified on the bases of different parameters such as culture, media, limit, and number of people involved.

* Culture : Usually the dating of the couple is arranged by the parents or the elders. This sort of dating is aimed at accessing the extent to which the couple is comfortable to each other. This also aims at sorting out difference if any among them. Sometimes when dating is not permitted in the society the couples engage is secret dating.
* Media : Dating is usually in person meeting at some public or private place. In this age of internet the dating can be online too. The online dating could serve as a platform prior to the dating in person which is face to face. After the introduction of the web cam, there is hardly any difference left between the online dating and dating in person. Anonymity is the basic advantage of online dating. It is this feature that makes online dating more popular and comfortable among the people seeking date partners.
* Limit : Dating can also be classified on the basis of limits to the relationship. This could be worked out while chatting on the net before you date in person. Basically it depends on the couple to what extent they want to extend their relationship. The duration of dating could be the lunch time or just roaming and dining together and then parting or else some could decide to stick to each other till the next morning or even the whole life. The dating could be just one night stand. Thus it all depends on the couple and their mutual expectations.
* Number of people involved : Usually dating involves two people, a couple , and this is called standard dating. When two couples enjoy a date at the same location and at the same time it is double date. When a number of couples enjoy a date that same time and location it is called group date.
* Blind date : This type of dating is among the participants who have never met each other personally. Nowadays a blind date can hardly be 100% blind. Usually most of the people hesitate and avoid blind dates. The online chatting and exchange of SMS and emails usually precede a blind date. In this sort of circumstances the blind date is for the purpose of face to face meeting in person.

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Single Parent Dating Tips

Single parent dating has additional considerations that childless daters don’t have to deal with on a regular basis. Single parents are concerned with their desire for a healthy relationship, but must always keep the welfare of their children as the first consideration. Other issues single parents deal with include finding time for a relationship, how to protect the children, how to handle children’s reactions to a parent dating and being a role model.

Entering a Brave New World
If you have been married for years and are now a single parent due to divorce or death of a spouse, the chances are you will find the dating world has changed since you were last single. If you didn’t have children when dating previously, you will certainly have many new issues now you didn’t have to deal with before. But anyone can successfully handle these issues by taking the advice of professionals familiar with the fears and concerns.

There are simply too many single parents in the world who have convinced themselves they are doomed to be lonely because they have children. They tell themselves they will have to wait until the children are older or grown before they can enter another relationship. This is not true. A single parent is a human being who needs companionship and love in their life just like everyone else.

After divorce or the death of a spouse, the time comes when you will want to feel the passion once again. This is true for both men and women. When that happens, it is time for single parent dating. Though you do not have to be married or in love to be happy, when you want to share your life with a compatible person there is not much else that can serve as a substitute.

Grace and Style

Single parent dating requires the ability to handle many different situations with grace and style. For example, you must explain your new relationships to your children in a way that sets an example of appropriate behaviour. Introducing a new person into the family mix requires careful thought and planning. The best way to do this is by planning some activities together so the children can develop a friendly relationship with your love interest.

Honesty Should Always Rule

When single parent dating, you need to always be honest with your children and with your dates. Some parents try to hide the fact they are parents until a relationship has reached a certain stage. This is not a good practice, because you are starting the relationship on a dishonest basis.

Before you ever bring a new date to your home, make sure you know the person well enough. You must always keep the safety of your children in mind at all times.

When you begin single parent dating, always keep the lines of communication open between you and your children. Children may be very anxious about mom or dad dating, and your reassurances and willingness to talk about their feelings is important. Conversely, if a new relationship cannot get past feeling resentment over the time and attention your children require, then it’s time to end it.

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How to Make Men Loves and Wants You: Three Tips to Make Him Interest

If you’ve find yourself falling in love with a man, you obviously want to make him really want you too. Not all relationships are balanced when it comes to how each person feels about the other. You may be certain that your guy is your soul mate, but he may still feel a little hesitant about committing only to you. It’s difficult when you know in your heart that you are his perfect match, but continually telling him that isn’t going to make him fall hopelessly in love. There are a few things you can do that will peak his interest in you. They’re simple to do and can really change the dynamic of the relationship.

1. Don’t pressure him into a commitment too soon. Even something as simple as telling him that you want to date exclusively may be too much. Men need and want their freedom during the early stages of any new dating relationship. You’ve got to ensure that he doesn’t feel trapped or cornered by you. He wants to still be the one who chases you, so let him do that. Let him call you and ask you out and let him set the pace for when you reveal your feelings. If he feels that you’re following his lead, he’s going to find you that much more appealing.

2. Always give him his own time and space. This is one mistake that most of us have been guilty of when we’ve fallen in love. All we want to do is spend every possible moment we can with our guy and so we assume he wants the same thing. Men need time to be with their friends and also to chase their careers. If you continue to hang out with your own friends and make it known to him that you want him to do the same with his, he’ll find you different and captivating. Men are accustomed to being with women who want to monopolize all their time, so don’t do this.

3. Keep your own life and interests intact. Have you ever given up something you loved because a man made you feel you needed to? Most of us have and it can be the first time in the end of a great relationship. Men crave to be with strong women who have rich, full, exciting lives. Don’t ever change anything about your life to accommodate him. If he wants to see you on Tuesday night and you have plans that night, don’t cancel them for him. He’ll find you more irresistible if you show him that your life is important to you and you won’t be changing it just for him.

You can peak his interest and have him chasing after you more and more if you keep the relationship balanced and your expectations in check. Focus on making yourself irresistible to him now and you’ll find that he can’t get enough of you every day for years and years to come.

Specific things you say and do can make any man feel helplessly drawn to you. If you are convinced he’s the one there are things you can do to ensure he only has eyes for you. Every woman has the power to make a man fall in love with her.

You don’t have to leave love to fate or chance. If you are tired of waiting for him to fall hopelessly in love, there are things you can do to make it happen now. Find out right now what you need to do to capture his heart forever.

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How to Save and Keep Your Relationship

Women have this incredible intuition when it comes to their romantic relationships. We can usually tell if our man is starting to pull away. He may begin to act a little distant and he will typically become disinterested in spending time with us. If you are experiencing this now with your boyfriend, and you still love him don’t jump to the conclusion that it means that your relationship is headed straight towards a break up. There are steps you can take to rebuild the connection between you two. Knowing how to save your relationship with your boyfriend is essential if you don’t want to spend your future without him.

Learning how to save your relationship with your boyfriend begins with recognizing that he’s not happy with the way things currently are. It’s easy to try and ignore the fact that he’s drifting away. That won’t save the relationship. In fact it will speed up the break up process. You have to come to terms with the fact that the connection you two share isn’t as strong as it used to be. Take a look at yourself to determine what part your actions have planned in the deterioration of things. If you’ve changed dramatically since you two first got together, you need to weigh whether those changes are worth the cost of losing him. One way some of us change is we start taking our man for granted when we know he loves us. If you’ve been doing this you need to rectify it now.

Giving him some space may seem like the worst possible thing you can do when you feel the relationship is in jeopardy, but it’s not at all. If your boyfriend needs some time to think things through, you need to give it to him. Doing this serves a dual purpose. You’ll be showing him that you respect his needs and are putting them before your own. You’ll also be allowing him the opportunity to experience life without you. Quite often a man will believe he wants his relationship to be over until he has a taste of life without his girlfriend. The moment he starts to miss you and feels a void in his life, he’ll want things to be the way they used to be. Always remember that sometimes you have to let your man go in order to get him back.

Keeping your boyfriend in love with you is possible. If you are tired of worrying about a future without him and if you are at a loss about what to do to keep him, there is help. Every move you make and everything you say to him during and after your break up will either get you a second chance or will ensure he’s gone for good. Why risk making a mistake that may cost you a future with the man you love most in the world?

There are proven techniques for stopping a break up. Don’t make the mistake of relying on your emotions to guide you when you want him back. Please don’t leave this to fate or chance. If you love him, don’t let him get away.

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