Delia Kembali

October 24, 2007
Wah,gak tau mo ngomong apa. Dua minggu lebih gak online seperti setahun gak makan,ciele.Delia mohon maaf kepada teman2 semua yang gak sempat dikunjungi balik.Sorry guys....Ini adalah waktu terlama Delia gak online,emang sih sempat check blog sebentar,tapi karna kesibukan yang membludak jadi gak bisa update en fokus deh.

Ok deh,Delia akan menghubungi temen2 lagi,tapi bagi yang gak sempat dikunjungi balik mohon maaf yah.Email udah penuh,adsense gak naik2,blogvertise ampir dicopot oleh admin de el el deh.

Happy Holly Day Idul Fitri

October 11, 2007
Delia's blog will be inactive for couple days during Moslem Holly Day Idul Fitri. Delia wish happy holly idul fitri day for all Delia's Friends and visitors. All comments and your chat box will be response soon. Delia Veronika want to ask your apologize if there were much sins for you all. Love you all.


October 6, 2007
Now of you have Dandruff,its will be the special common problem. Dandruff an exaggeration of the scaling process by which the skin renews itself. Dandruff content of waste material through the pores of the scalp.

Dandruff Types:
Oily dandruff
Dry dandruff
Oily dandruff occurs most likely among adolescents and adults with an excessive oily skin and scalp. Dry dandruff appears as loose white flakes and scalp itches.

What are cause of dandruff?
Many cause reasons for the dandruff such as uncorrect diet, changing and harsh shampoo, bad blood circulation in head, increase of emotional tension and staying in stress. This problem is more common in teenagers because they secrete an excess of androgen hormones which causes sebum, the skin oil.

Massage head within hairs and daily brushing are effective in treating dandruff. Its also help in blood circulation. For dry dandruff you have to use an oil to massage head within hairs before washing your hair.

Using lemon juice on the head is effective.
Vijaya juice leaf is helpful.
Shigru juice leaves is rubbed on the head to cure dandruff.
For dandruff, massage three days old curds on the scalp. Doing this for half an hour and then shampoo.
Don't eat nuts, chocolates, fried food. Your diet must contents of rich in green, chicken, fish, milk and its products. Also a good nutritient diet in vitamin A, E & B complex
Prior to shampooing soak a pad of cotton wool in witch hazel extract and apply on the head along partitions if roots are excessively greasy.
Massaging the head with brahmi oil cures dandruff.

Home made remedies
For oily dandruff:
Mix rosewater, two drops of lemon essential oil with equal proportion of cider vinegar or malt vinegar and massage the lotion in the scalp gently. Keep it for sometime. Do this in the night and use a mild shampoo in the morning.
Soak two spoon full of fenugreek seeds in water at night. In the morning make a paste by mixing seeds, two drops of lemon and apply on the head. Keep if for an hour. Then wash with herbal shampoo. Do this once a week.
In a mug of water, mix two tablespoon of malt vinegar and two drops of rosemary. After shampooing, rinse the hair with it. Dry your hair with the help of towel.

For dry dandruff:
Massage your scalp with one teaspoon hot caster oil, one teaspoon coconut oil, one teaspoon til oil and two drops of cedar wood. Keep for half an hour and then shampoo. Do this two times a week.
Take about 5 tablespoon of curd and squeeze half a lime in it. Add two drops of cedar wood. Take two spoonful of green grams and powder them. Mix in curd. Apply on scalp and leave it for ten minutes. Wash hair thoroughly with a creamy shampoo. Do this at least once in a week.

Relaxing Place: Beach

October 4, 2007
Why beach?
Some places in this world without a beach,but another places have beautiful beaches.But, if your place around the beach,what kind of advantages you got? Pretend a beach as dream place that you never fell its effects but you ever saw its beauty.In our healthy life, we need to relax.Not for the body,also mind,emotion and spirit.Even a relationship.Many beautiful places that can acting as your therapist,that you never imagine before,how you can be so relax within these places. And beach as one of these places.But,i think is not all beach can be our therapy.What beach can making relax,refresh our life.

Planning a beach vacation should be thinking about its location,how far you could reach to that beach,how safe this one,and how empty this place.Word "empty" do not mean without anyone staying there, but how you get your private things without noise,activities and many traditional "markets".If your decision is only for fun and seeing sunset, do not come to the beach for relax.Make your body fell the white sand,waving water,sunshine warm and slowly wind blown to your face.Connect your mind into its creations and seagull sang.Mixing your spirit into nature, be a part of this.
Reminds, you are in relaxing therapy.In your emotion curing,in your mind refreshing, in your new spirit controlling.Don't ever thinks about your routine jobs,cash problem,credits,just make this vacation as your dream come true.

If you're single,try to make friend with another beach therapist "patients".Share your funny stories with them, be a good listener, be a good speaker.
If you're with your small family,be this place as your second home,your natural life,enjoy it as long as you can (beware your vacation time)

What are relaxing medicine in the beach?
1.Natural wide sea views
2.smooth and warm windy
4.Beach sports (just practice an easy sport)
5.Natural direct fish barbeque
6.Sleep in the sea line sand (be aware to crabs and high wave)>>>>recommended far from sea line and in the high place.
7.Drink coconut water while seeing the ocean
8.Playing......with your couple (one of my dreams)>>>>be aware of paparazzi
9.Bring some corals into your home/office and don't forget to taking a picture.

Are You Beauty, Are You Cool? Maybe Not..

October 3, 2007
Warning:Bagi yang udah dewasa!
Hari ini lg males nulis dalam english,gak mood ngebahas apa.Semoga yang slama ini suka postingan Delia dalam english maklum yah.(ke geer an deh).Kita bahas tentang gaya hidup aja deh.Gini ceritanya,ciele...dalam ilmu psikologi (sesuai profesi neh),semua orang tuh pengen banget terlihat cantik,ga cowok ga cewek.Bermacam alasan mereka kemukakan kenapa mereka harus cantik. ada yang bilang untuk menarik lawan jenis,ada yang bilang emang kodrat (buat cewek yah...)
So mereka juga akan melakukan bermacam cara agar terlihat cantik, permak abis2an sesanggup mereka, kalo yang punya duit banyak oke lah,paling ekstrem operasi kita udah kejauhan yah?Gini judulnya tentang kecantikan fisik, so soal wajah dan tubuh bakalan dominan memegang peranan.Kenapa sih susah2 ngerubah diri sendiri agar mirip atau malah lebih dari orang lain.Belum lagi tayangan TV yang nampilin cewek-cowok dengan wajah bening en fisik oke.But,its for what?Face and body are not longer yours.Perubahan fisik ga bakalan bisa ditolak.

Gini aja deh,

First: Jadi diri sendiri aja dulu.
kalo kamu udah merasa dewasa (ato belom) coba ambil positif en negatif dari fisik sendiri.Ngaca di depan cermin, sorry kalo perlu bugil (ini kalo lagi sendirian di kamar yah,pastiin ga ada yang ngintip.Amati dari ujung rambut sampe ujung jari telunjuk kaki (ditambahin kata2nya dikit,kenapa?karna emang itu yang paling ujung di kaki,liat deh).Liat,apa ada yang kurang(maaf kalo ada yang cacat yah),lengkap kan,so liat lagi,biasanya sih face dulu yg diliat,amati matamu,hidung,bibir,kulit,pipi(kadang ada yg ga suka kalo dia chubby)
Stop disana,apa yang kurang dari mata kamu?apa karna ada maaf,apa mata kamu sipit?apa belo'?kan ada make up (buat cewek),pelajari ilmunya.Kalo cowok....lanjutin ke bagian lain.So idung,apa yang kurang, maaf lagi,kurang mancung,ato bangir....ada make upnya juga buat cewe,cowok...lanjut bagian lain,bibir and pipi...apa yang kurang,maaf,tebel,item ato kekecilan,cewek......cowok.....bukan satu organ tubuh aja yang diliat dari wajah...coba perhatiin,kalo pun satu gak bagus,yang lain bagus kan?minimal lumayan?anggap aja menurut kamu gitu....tapi mulai dari pengamatan wajah,tatap mata kamu di kaca,kalo bisa liat diantara mata di puncak idung (tengah-tengah),say it"it is me,myself,i'm beauty,i'm cool,my eyes like Aiswarya Ray (cewe) Richard Gere (cowo),my nose like Krisdayanti (cewe) and Bertrand Antolin (cowo),my lip like Natalie Glebova (cewe) Brat Pitt (cowo).INTINYA tanamkan kepercayaan diri yang tinggi untuk diri sendiri,termasuk ada manusia yang sempurna.
Lanjutin ke organ tubuh yang laen,dada,perut,bokong,pinggang tangan adalah organ yang bisa dimodifikasi,kalo mau tampil tanpa lemak,atur pola makan,olahraga teratur,konsultasikan ke dokter,baca majalah........itu mah gampang,cuman harus sabar....ato bagi yang malas bisa nutupin organ2 tubuh td dengan kostum yang pas.Tips nya ada di blog Delia,cukup pembahasan mirip2 dengan sampai di wajah aja..........kalo organ laen dibahas malah panjang jadinya.Kenapa wajah?itu yang pertama diliat orang kan..........jerawat yang matang terlihat dari lantai dua....hehe becanda.

Second:what is you have?how capable you are?
So sekarang coba bandingkan,apakah kamu kurang cantik (menurut kamu) tapi kamu pintar....jangan pilih itu....tapi KAMU CANTIK DAN PINTAR (hasil kepercayaan diri kamu),dengan kepintaran seseorang bisa terlihat cantik malah jadi keren karna terkenal.....hehehe banyak kok film tentang ini.Tapi kalo kamu menanamkan kepercayaan diri setelah Ngaca tadi.....kamu udah cantik kok en keren lagi.Ga mudah yah?emang?ingat....kamu yang memutuskan kamu cantik,ganteng dan keren..bukan orang laen......Kembali ke second topic;apa sih yang kamu miliki yang gak dimiliki orang laen...disitu lah nilai Plus yang bisa kamu banggakan,disitulah kecantikan dan kekerenan kamu.......Aku keren bisa maen piano,Penelope Cruz aja gak bisa.Trus,talent atau bakat,kalo kamu punya..kembangkan aja.......itulah kecantikan kamu.

Sekarang ngapain orang pengen cantik,keren,ganteng?
Biar disukai pasangan jenis dan orang banyak bukan?Ingat,keluarga kamu menyukai kamu apa adanya (ambil point penting ini,kamu gak sendiri di dunia ini),begitu juga sahabat2 kamu.
Orang yang benar2 menghargai dan mencintai orang lain adalah yang bukan melihat fisiknya semata........tapi komplit penilaiannya,coba pikirkin.......kamu mau mencari pasangan seumur hidup seperti Leah Dizon,ato Mark Walberg....apa?fisik?sampai kapan?jujur gak perasaan kamu,jangan cuman mata aja yang jujur (walopun banyak yg gitu)

Third:Puji orang lain,dia akan memujimu,ramah ke orang lain,dia juga akan ramah
Buktiin deh,90% berhasil......itu kan yang kita perlu..........perasaan dibutuhkan,dihargai,gmana kita bisa dapet kalo bukan kita yang memulai.

Fourth:Kalo mo ngerubah diri,rubah dulu hati,otak dan jiwa..........ngerubah fisik mah gampang...percaya deh....that's what they called INNER BEAUTY

Segitu dulu yah,moga bermanfaat......kalo ada yang salah mohon dikoreksi.

Why am I Blogging

October 2, 2007
After ran a long journeys for learn about making money online, adsense and SEO, I got the final answer; I was wrong in the beginning. I forgot why am I blogging? Why I creating a blog? What for? Making money online is not a simple way to collects cash. I ever said why are they able collecting money from adsense.

I thought I can do this. I was blogging for my own self, not for you, my readers. I’m sorry, Today at October 2nd I change my paradigm. I must do what I did before. Blogging for share. Blogging for learn. What my undirect master like JohnChow, CosaAranda and my direct’s (Aris Julianta, Ayi Fahmi) said that AdSense is not an easy way to be rich from internet is true. But should be remember in JohnChow e-book, we must choosed a target, for how long we could reach our own wealth.

Up to you to decided, and up to me to targetting in one or two years again. I’ll renew and regenerate my aim and my blog. Hope you’ll like Delia’s blog forever. The points are be yourself, plays in community, love your readers, make something real and true, hard work, be patient (still on target), share and learn, love what do you created and accept it. Let us together being Love Own Created.

Perfume Tips: How to Choose and Use

Yesterday, i got a complain,why only tips for woman,i'm so sorry for men's reader.So i promise to posting general and neutral topics for man and woman.Today is about Perfume.

The perfume types divided into four, though any fragrance can borrow notes form one of the others, the floral's - cool, elegant and feminine, the cypress - warm, sensuous and subtle, the greens - clean, uncluttered and fresh, and the orientals - seductive and sultry.
If you choosing a Perfume can be something difficult. If you making a selection, try to ignore the advertising if you can. You may fancy yourself in a harem, but you might find the scent associated with that image oppressive.

Tips on Choosing Perfume
It is best to try only four Perfume in one session, say two on each arm, then leave the perfume counter with its confusion of fragrances and make your decision as the perfume develop on your skin.
Do not think what you like on a friend will necessarily suit you. Perfume responds differently to different types of skin.
Perfume can be worn all over, but too much of it can be overpowering to the point of giving you a headache.
The pulse points - the templates, the nape of the neck, the inside of the wrists and elbows are good places to db Perfume.

Deherba: My First Local Affiliate

October 1, 2007
What is Deherba?

This website contents are about natural Indonesia herbal that is a home based industry held by CV.Morinda-House.Its stayed since year 2000.Started in improving Mengkudu healthy juice and now producing other usefull herbal such as Tongkat Ali extract capsule, Sari Buah Merah, Mengkudu extract capsule, Kunyit extract capsule, Tepung sarang semut, sarang semut extract capsule that being favorites now. Based on product names, we can took a summary that all Indonesian natural herbal products. And why should AskDelia affiliated with Deherba? The answer is according to AskDelia topic about healthylife, woman's and man's health, that is Delia decided. Hope we can use our national products especially health products that still has its special effects for special people and special culture. Why we don't try it first before try others.
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