Ten Dating Tips

December 24, 2007
When you try to take someone on date day,you must do some preparations and trick.So,let you eat these dating tips.1. Recognize Your Negative Patterns. All the great dating tips in the world will do you absolutely no good at all if you continue in the same old negative patterns of behavior that defeat your purpose to get out and date in the first place, or succeed in a successful dating relationship once you do meet a wonderful person. It never ceases to amaze me that people can actually complain about not meeting anyone new when they don’t get themselves out in the right situations to meet other single people.

Stopping whatever behavior it is that you do that keeps you from getting out and meeting people, or meeting the right kinds of people, or screwing things up once you do meet the right person is the most important dating tip I can give you. You are worth a level playing field. You are worth succeeding. So clean out your emotional closet and give yourself a fighting chance.

2. Don’t Create A False Self
It’s one thing to improve yourself and make the most of who you can be, it’s another to create a false self just to try and impress a special someone into wanting to date you…sooner or later the real you is going to come out. This very important dating tip is true whether you’re meeting people first online or in person.

Yes, gorgeous, together, successful people do fall in love with people who aren’t always as gorgeous, together, and successful as they are – however – it’s done honestly. They fall in love with the person’s character and heart over time from getting to know them, they aren’t hoodwinked into believing someone is thinner, younger, more financially stable etc. than they really are. Sooner or later the truth always comes out and the person who’s been lied to will be both be very disappointed and angry with you.

3. Follow Your Gut
Don’t date people just because your mother, cousin, boss, best friend or anyone else thinks you should because they’re a “great” catch. Just exactly who is a great catch is a matter of personal opinion. And don’t date people just because they’re forward enough to ask you out if you don’t feel like you’d enjoy each other’s company. That little voice in the back of your head, or that uncomfortable voice in your stomach should be listened to.

Do, however, go out with someone who sparks your interests even if they don’t seem like your type. Dating isn’t marriage, it’s a time to get out and explore and learn about not only new people, but yourself as well.

4. Follow Your Passions
People who are great to date like their lives and know how to enjoy themselves. Happy people are naturally attractive, even if they’re carrying some extra weight, have lost their hair, and don’t have tons of money. Happy people have found a way to either follow their bliss, or make sure their passions and interests are at least a major hobby in their lives.

And by following your passions and making sure they’re an integral part of your life you have natural opportunities (if you take advantage of them) to meet other single people who have the same interests as you do – whether it’s breeding purebred prize winning Boston Terriers or sailing around the world. This is such an obvious dating tip and yet so many of us get so caught up in making a living that we completely forget what actually makes us happy.

5. First Dates Don’t need to be Elaborate
Heed this dating tip and the money in your wallet will stretch much farther! The best bet for a first date is meeting at a nice coffee house, or upscale bar for a drink, and it’s best if people meet there rather than the man picking up the woman just to play things safe. Nothing is worse than going to an expensive dinner on a first date with someone you have high hopes about only to find that you just don’t hit it off after all – it’s both expensive and a waste of time. Be more casual about the first date – after all, if you get along so fabulously that you want to spend more time together you can go to dinner afterward.

6. First Dates Aren’t An Interview
As much as first dates feel like an audition, or an interview to impress someone, they’re actually neither. This dating tip is tremendously important to remember because if you’re not careful when trying to make a good impression you can fall into that “false” self issue we talked about above. Men especially tend to use a first date (or even first emails) to lay out all the reasons why they’re a great catch – especially if they really find the woman attractive. This, however, puts the woman in the role of being the audience and this is not a date then – it’s a show, and the men aren’t sharing they’re bragging.

Remember good conversations have give and take and volleys back and forth like a good tennis match. You should never be in the position of doing all of the talking, or all of the listening.

7. First Dates Aren’t For the Nitty Gritty
You may have had some truly challenging things happen in your life, in fact, they may still be happening right now – but don’t share them on the first date. People need time to emotionally care for someone even if they’re physically attracted to them (and men need more time than women) so even though a person (especially women) may seem to be just the sort of understanding, empathetic type you can bare your soul to – hold off for a date or two before you tell them about the skeletons in the closet. This important dating tip gives the person time to get to know and like you before knowing about the less than savory things going on in your life.

Don’t wait too long, however, to share important information even if it’s not the best news. You should definitely open up and share honestly before the relationship gets serious.

8. Great Daters Have a Plan
This might seem like another obvious dating tip, however, it’s surprising how few people take the time and effort to really think through a fun date and plan ahead for it. If you’re too busy now to take the time to buy concert tickets in advance, or do research on an interesting day trip, you’re too busy to be in a relationship and date. It’s that simple. People naively think they’ll make time for the right person, and they do – for a date or two – but a workaholic with no social life is that way for a reason. By all means work hard, but recognize that you’ve got to have balance in your life if you want a successful love life.

In order to make planning great dates easier for yourself keep a file of things to do and places to see that you come across in your reading or web browsing. If you’ve got a folder full of ideas it takes the pressure off of you to come up with something fun when the opportunity for a date arrives.

9. If You Feel Physical Chemistry Be Clear About Your Signals
This is another dating tip that might seem totally obvious to many people, but isn’t to the shyer members of our society – of which there are many many members. Remember that even very attractive and alluring people aren’t 100% certain of their effect on someone. If you go on a date with someone who completely lives up to your expectations (and more) let them know.

Now that being said, I don’t mean you should be sticking your tongue down their throat at the beginning of the date (which has happened to me and was no fun), nor do you need to jump on them at the end of the date and try to get some. There are very subtle, but potent signs to let someone know you’re not only enjoying yourself with them but you find them physically attracted:
Brush or press your knee against theirs under the table for a second or two a couple of times during dinner.
Touch their arm or shoulder to emphasize a point while talking to them (but don’t do it too often).
Men can put their hand briefly on the small of a woman’s back when he opens the car door for a woman, or pulls out her chair at a restaurant, or asks her what she’d like to drink from the bar.

Hold strong eye contact and “triangle” them from time to time – that is look from one of their eyes to the other, to their mouth and back. This, by the way, is something humans naturally do when they’re very attracted to someone.
Go for the kiss at the end of the night. If a woman doesn’t feel comfortable moving in to kiss a man on the lips she can give him a kiss on the cheek. If she leans against him for a moment while doing this it gets the point across effectively.

10. Don’t Wear Out Your Welcome
This is the point where most of actually bite the dust in the dating arena – we get so excited about meeting someone we’re really attracted to, and want to get to know better, that we overwhelm them with our interest. It’s always an important dating tip to give someone less of yourself in the very beginning of a dating relationship than you’d like to. What do I mean? Don’t call every day, call once a week – to set up the next date. Don’t send emails every day either – you can send an email or two during the week but make it about something you think they’d like to know about – not how much you’re looking forward to the evening.

Do it now!
image from 123rf.com

ForePlay Tips

Making love is a process, you need to warming its before you start. We recognized it as foreplay. Foreplay is most definitely the bricks and mortar of a good lover. A good lover is not measured in penis length or bra size. Good lovers do not posses magic powers or have hypnotic potions that create this aura about their s*x*al prowess. A good lover is about GIVING and SATISFYING their partner thru SEDUCTION and unselfish behavior. Nothing exemplifies this more than foreplay. It is the game before the game.

~imagine you are making a movie where you are the star~

When you PLAY with your partner imagine that you get to live vicariously through the movie industry and you are the big star. If you were "playing" with your partner and the camera was rolling you would not hurry or speed things up.You would play to the camera and make it as sexy as possible. Using every sense you have, your fingers, your mouth and in some cases even your warm whispery breath can be part of the fun.

When two people get together for intense sexual pleasure they both have an agenda and fantasies on their mind. Even partners we have had sex with in the past can create new fantasies and desires. Experimenting is not only fun for you but your partner as well. Surprise the person you have been sleeping with by giving them a full body massage followed by a "snow job".

If you want a great example of foreplay - lay your partner down on their back and you go up and down their body with your mouth, never touching the naughty bits but everything else. Use your warm mouth to suck and bite and tease their erogenous zones and lick them behind the ears or bite the top of their shoulders - literally devour them with your mouth.
The more you treat your partner as something you eat and not something you dominate the more erotic and heightened the pleasure will be for the both of you. Sensual massage is a great place to start. You don't have to be a pro to "touch" someone. We all take great pleasure in being touched, massaged and caressed by another to the point of arousal.
Use your hands, forearms, chest, elbows and even your chin to get into your partner's muscles and deep tissue. This massage and touch will relax and stimulate your partner at the same time - remember the camera is rolling.

Foreplay Zones
As mentioned there are certain zones on the body that are more stimulating than others. After the massage, use SOFT strokes and touch to stimulate your partner. Roll your finger tips across their nipples and behind their ears as you kiss them and tease them with your tongue. When your partner gets impatient and aggressive during the foreplay it means you are doing something right.

I know I am turned on when I just can't take it anymore. When you can't physically take it anymore - you must! You must endure the taunting and teasing of your senses because they must also endure you and your warm tongue as you bring them to get chills across their thighs.
Foreplay is as much of an art form as it is a "necessity". Think about this for a second - if you make love and it only lasts 20 minutes then you are having a good time. If you have 25 minutes of foreplay before the 20 minute lovemaking session then everybody is having a GREAT TIME and you look good! Foreplay can include, toys, tools, ties and even food.
There is no limit to foreplay either - so if you want to watch a person spontaneously combust then tease them for an hour straight before you take care of business. Don't be afraid to experiment with S and E and X toys and oils because both can enhance sexual pleasure considerably for both parties. Like a machine everyone needs to stay nice and lubricated to keep things "fun".

Take Care Of Her First, Then Take Turns
The rules of foreplay are standard worldwide and there is only one: Take care of your partner first. Good foreplay is when one guy/girl gets great pleasure out of pleasing his/her lover. You might think how two people can accommodate each other if they are both trying to accommodate each other at the same time. The answer is: Take turns.

Taking turns pleasing and teasing each other is part of every session you have together. When it comes to mutual satisfaction where two people are trying to accomplish the same goal then remember that this is the only time when the order is not, "ladies first" - take care of her and she will no doubt take care of you.

So do not start your game before prepared its hot.
image from 123rf.com

How to Get The First Kiss : the way?

Sometime, it is really hard when you want something that doubt your decision. And for your own wonderful dating, if you try to kiss your couple, there are things you should do. Getting The First Kiss It should come as no surprise that we use terms like 90/10 rule because it is all a numbers game anyway so why not know the ratios that are intimate? If you talk to enough girls then you will eventually have more dates. When you have more dates then you have better chances for romance. Where there is romance there is SEDUCTION. That is the sequence in which you plant your 90/10 flowers to grow. The odds are always in the favor of EFFORT. Where there is effort there are results - write that down.

Through this maze of numerical ambiance you must be able to recognize when the balance of the scales are in your favor. Sometimes it is YOU that is on the fence because you think you are reading all the signs clearly from your partner.You may think they are "on board" but you are not sure and want to find out in the most subtle way possible.

This is where the 90/10 rule lives. That crazy place between two people in the abyss of unknown emotion - a place where you both want "something" and neither of you know what it is yet that the other one wants. You FEEL the energy between the both of you and something starts to brew and you slowly start to connect the dots. You know it is up to you to make it happen but your brain and some little tiny piece of you is holding you back from going for the goal and crossing the finish line. Reach in your pocket and pull out the 90/10 rule - it is why it is there.

I just painted a scenario of emotions everyone has felt but not everyone has acted on. The 90/10 rule is not just about the kissing. The kissing (best case scenario) is when you follow the aforementioned and when you feel it you don't hesitate - you initiate.

I will now give you the 90/10 rule in STAGES from beginning to end:
You are in a grocery store checking out someone hot and instead of speaking first you walk over and stand right next to them to shop (90%) and wait for them to speak to you (10%).
The Line:
The person at the grocery store has now started a conversation with you (90%) and is waiting for you to make a "suggestion" (10%) like "we should have coffee sometime".
The Date:
When the date has gone well - at the end you will lean in (90%) and wait for them (10%) to kiss you.
The ACT:
When you two are alone and being intimate for the first time - instead of trying to take their clothes off you take off your top (90%) and see if they strip themselves of the other 10%.

The best way to approach this rule is with your GUT INSTINCT. There is no doubt if you are nervous then you are probably on the right track. One must go out on the limb if one seeks "the fruit". When you feel that moment of SEDUCTION that overwhelms you and even vexes you then you are THERE. Lean in and be ready to get the gifts that are waiting.

Every joy has some price to be paid. The 90/10 rule comes with one as well:

How To Handle Awkward Moments
If you are a female there will be fewer awkward moments with the 90/10 rule because the female instincts are much more reliable than a man's. A big mistake men make is that they think that when a female is having a good time it translates into the female wanting to be with the male -- not true.

Men must know that there will be times that the female is not on the same page and that the 90/10 rule does not even matter. If she is not ready she is not ready so learn to tell JOKES. Be quick with a comment or something that makes her laugh because even if you two are not on the same page LAUGHTER will bring you closer to it.

Of course you should probably lean back before you tell the joke if she did not lean in.
So you must be ready with that "quick comeback" or "funny quip" in case the signs are read wrong between yourself and a female. If you lean in 90% and she does not even give you 1% then I hope your breath is fresh, and you have a great smile… and you kept the car running.
But, those are only an advice, you can improve it by yourself.

image from 123rf.com

How to Do a Best Hair Care ?

December 19, 2007
If you think it is impossible to get a best hair looking.Hair is a crown for women, so it is need a special things to do with.Hair cares includes number of things hair type test, the tips you should take for hair care, brushing and combing, shampooing and drying, treating baldness, hair conditioning, dandruff, hair dyes, split ends and hair loss, studying about hair lice and how to treat it, laser hair removal and the electrolysis method taken for hair care.

Hair is the crown of the body. It does not matter how beautiful you are if you neglect your hair. Good hair care should be started at home. With proper care and attention you can restore its vitality and glossy sheen. Brush your hair before washing so as to remove the tangles and surface dirt.
Although brushing is less damaging than combing but a soft brush does not cause more damage to hair than a comb. Prolonged brushing can also harm the hair. Back combing also damages the hair. It causes knotting which is very difficult to untangle.
A good comb should always be preferred. A good comb is that which have rounded and not sharp teeth. Brush ends should always be rounded to minimize the mechanical damage to hair. Nylon brushes with spiky ends also damage the hair.
Dandruff is the most common problem. It is an exaggeration of the scaling process by which the skin renews itself. It is just the waste material through the pores of the scalp.
Lice are small insects living in dirty condition in our head. Neglecting the lice in head means neglecting hygiene of head. Head should be kept clean.

Laser is an important source of hair removal. Laser are of four types-ruby, diode, alexandrite and Nd: YAG laser. Laser light destroy hair follicles by thermal, mechanical or photochemical mechanism.
Unwanted hairs can be removed permanently by electrolysis. In this a needle is inserted into hair follicle and an electrical pulse is sent through the needle. If this hair follicle is in the active growth stage at the time of treatment, it will probably not grow again
Baldness is caused due to inadequate nutrition.

So, you can do something good for your hair before you decide to blamed it.

image from 123rf.com

New: Make Up Tips

Sometimes women doubt to her own make up and what should they do. The most important thing for make up is the color that suits you and makes you more attractive.Create new colors by mixing different shades.If you want to highlight your eyes, keep your lipstick or lip gloss fairly light and neutral. If your mouth is a full, well shaped one, use a dark or stronger shade of lipstick and keep your eye make up clean and soft.To prevent tanning, apply equal quantities of almond oil and malt vinegar one hour before your bath.Colors such as deep browns, burgundy, wine and blood-red work well on Indian skin.Keep lipsticks of pink, mauve and orange colors.Do not sleep in your make up as this can cause your lashes to dry out and become brittle.

Foundation and loose powder are a great way to get an even complexion in minutes.
Use a good concealer to hide dark circles under eyes, crease lines and other marks and scars


Fair Complexion
Blush:Tawny pink , beige pink , Golden peach , peach
Lip Color:Pale Pink, Sugar Pink , Coral, Rich Red, Peach brown, Warm Pink
Eye Shadow:Blue, Apricot, grass green , gold, sand brown, grey, soft brown, cornflower blue , violet, pinky mauve

Wheat Complexion
Blush:Peach and gold
Lip Color:Honey, Pinkish, Golden brown, rust, Terracotta
Eye Shadow:Golden, Pinkish, military green, Deep Pink , beige brown, Smoky black

Dark Complexion
Blush:Copper, rust, dark rose and bronze
Lip color:Reddish brown , burgundy and cocoa
Eye shadow:Rust, purple, gold, bronze , copper, Smoky black

Now you can acting beauty by your own make up.
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